Is there gluten in cheese?
According to Coeliac UK, it's estimated that at least 10% of UK consumers are now following a gluten-free diet. For these people, it means avoiding everything from bread and pasta to biscuits and cereals that contain gluten - as well as plenty of foods and drinks that contain "hidden" gluten.
Salad dressings, sauces, sausages, yeast spreads, beer... navigating the gluten-free landscape can be tricky. If you're a cheese lover, you might well be asking. Is there gluten in cheese? Luckily, most cheeses are, by their nature, gluten-free. But there are some circumstances where gluten can sneak in.
Natural cheese vs processed cheese
Natural cheeses are generally gluten-free, which you'll be relieved to hear! It's when there's some processing involved - or additional flavour added - that gluten may make an appearance.
Take the Brewers Choice Cheddar that we sell, for example. It's a Cheddar - and Cheddar is naturally gluten-free, but because it contains brewer's yeast, it's not actually gluten-free.
Processed cheeses can contain gluten too, in the form of stabilisers or other ingredients that are derived from glutinous grains. Pre-grated cheese also generally uses some form of starch as a coating to stop it from sticking together - it's often potato starch, but may vary from producer to producer.

What about blue cheese?
You may have heard that the mould used in making blue cheese is sometimes grown on bread. It's true! Penicillium bread mould is what gives many blue cheeses their delicious flavour. But if you're following a gluten-free diet, you don't need to give it up.
Although it's grown on bread, Penicillium blue cheese mould doesn't actually contain any gluten: a relief for blue cheese fans!
Check the labels
If you're unsure as to whether the cheese you're planning on buying contains gluten, definitely check the labels. Under Natasha's Law, which came into force in 2021, food producers need to label their products to clearly show if they contain any of 14 different allergens - including gluten.
When you're browsing our website, click on the "Ingredients, Allergens & Weights" tab when you're viewing a product, and you'll notice a box that tells you if it's gluten-free. It's particularly worth checking when it comes to our cheese gifts - with many containing crackers or beer, we've made it as easy as possible for you to check for gluten.
We're always here to help, too. If you want to ask us more questions like 'is there gluten in cheese?', be sure to get in touch.