How Do You Open Cheese in Wax?

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Use a Cheese Plane


The easiest and safest way to open a cheese in wax is to use a cheese plane. A cheese plane is a small, sharp metal device that is specifically designed for cutting cheese. You can use the cheese plane to easily cut through the wax and open the cheese.


Cut the Wax


If you don’t have a cheese plane, you can use a sharp knife to cut the wax. Start by cutting a circle at the top of the wax, then carefully cut a circle around the circumference of the cheese. Make sure to cut through the wax and not the cheese itself. Once you have cut through the wax, you can then peel it off to reveal the cheese inside.


Melt the Wax


Another way to open a cheese in wax is to melt the wax. This method is more time-consuming, but it can be a good option if you don’t have a cheese plane or sharp knife. You can melt the wax a few different ways, but one of the best ways is to place your cheese in a bowl before pouring hot water over it. The hot water will melt the wax and it can be easily peeled off.


Use a Hair Dryer


You can also use a hair dryer to open a cheese in wax. To do this, you will need to hold the hair dryer about six inches away from the wax and move it in a circular motion. The heat from the hair dryer will melt the wax and it can then be easily peeled off.


Use a Hot Towel


If you don’t have access to a hair dryer or hot water, you can also use a hot towel to open a cheese in wax. To try this method, start by wetting a towel before heating it up in the microwave (or using hot water on the towel). Then, wrap the cheese in the hot towel before letting it rest for a few minutes. The hot towel should allow the wax to peel off quite easily.


Opening a cheese in wax can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done relatively easily. Using a cheese plane is the best way to open a cheese in wax, but if you don’t have one, you can also use a sharp knife, a hair dryer, a hot towel, or boiling water. With the right approach, you can easily open a cheese in wax and enjoy its delicious flavour and texture. You can view our variety of cheese subscriptions on our website!

Caramelised Red Onion, Vintage Cheese Truckle, Available Now at The Chuckling Cheese Company
Cheese Subscription Box, Available Now at The Chuckling Cheese Company
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