Ferry Ales Brewery Midnight Phantom Stout

SKU: 3720

Are you looking for a sessionable stout? Look no further than here. This delicious beer has been made with a smooth texture and is laced with chocolate, dark fruit, and roast flavours that will definitely make you want more after each sip. 


Ferry Ales Brewery | Sessionable Stout 


This phantom stout was originally procured for the Navy, although it eventually became a core part of the RAF when 6 squadron was formed at Coningsby in 1969. 


The aircraft was used in close support and air defense interceptions, the Phantom still to this day acts as gate guardian at RAF Coningsby. 


This delicious and smooth stout is an iconic tipple, which has a fantastic backstory, making it the perfect beer for Father’s day. Grab or create your chosen gift hamper and slide a bottle of this delicious beer inside for a great surprise. 

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